Friday, 7 September 2012

Two Distinctly Different Federally Funded Programs for the Disabled

Social Security lawyers can help disabled workers take advantage of government programs to cover their monthly financial obligations. These programs are designed to provide significant benefits, even though qualifying for disability can sometimes be an uphill battle. Disability benefits are available for workers that have been diagnosed with conditions or illnesses that make it impossible for them to perform the required duties of a job.

Social Security lawyers can assist qualified workers in determining which of the two separate SSA disability programs are best suited for their individual case. Both Social Security Administration programs for disability (SSDI and SSI) differ significantly in their economic eligibility factors.

Two Federally Funded Programs

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is an SSA benefit program structured on how much an individual has worked over the course of their lifetime. Alternatively, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is an economically challenged program for individuals living at, or below, the poverty level.

For any disabled individual seeking benefits through SSDI, he or she must qualify for the insurance by showing they have worked enough quarters in the past. The total number of employed quarters the worker has accumulated will help formulate the size of their monthly benefit. Recent verifiable employment of the disabled worker is part of the requirement for qualifying for SSDI.

To receive SSI benefits, poverty-stricken children, and adults under the age of 65, will need to meet the minimum disability criteria, or be legally blind. Their economic qualifications will be determined on their low income and limited assets. Individuals 65 years and above must meet the qualifying standards of limited assets and low income.

Experienced Social Security Lawyers

Any person suffering from obvious disabilities, and not so obvious, should use the services of experienced Social Security lawyers knowledgeable in disability law. A skilled attorney can provide assistance at every stage of the application, and the appeal, if the application is initially denied.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Your Social Security Disability Attorney Can Stop the Termination of Your Disability Benefits

Your Social Security Disability Attorney Can Stop the Termination of Your Disability Benefits Your Social Security disability attorney understands that many individuals receiving disability become highly concerned with the possibility of losing their benefits. The process of applying for benefits from the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Program is long and complex. It can sometimes take a year or more for the initial application to be approved. Individuals that were initially denied have an even longer wait to receive the benefits they rightly deserve.

Defining Disability

Your Social Security attorney understands that there are conditions that can happen to terminate your SSDI benefits. To continue to be eligible, your medical condition must meet the definition of disability as defined by the SSA. Additionally, you must have been unable to work for at least a year or more, due to your disability.  Finally, the condition of your original acceptance was that you had previously worked in jobs that were covered by Social Security. Your Social Security disability attorney understands that keeping and receiving these SSDI benefits hinge upon the first two conditions.

Reasons for Review

If there is dramatic improvement in your medical condition, the SSA has the right to rule that, according to them, you are no longer disabled. Typically, this information is gathered during a Medical Continuing Disability Review. Anytime the SSA believes your medical condition will improve, they will schedule a review every three years, or seven years if they believe your issues will not improve. The findings of that review will help determine if you can continue to receive all of your disability benefits. Your Social Security disability attorney should be present in every review hearing to ensure you are fully represented and that your rights are protected.

It is imperative that you use the skillful knowledge of an experience Social Security disability attorney anytime you interact with the SSA, concerning legal matters on the approval or continuation of your disability benefits.