Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Don’t Lose Your Appeal for SSD in Chicago By Being Unprepared

If you have gone through all the trouble of apply for SSD in Chicago or SSI in Illinois, you don’t want to have your claim denied because you weren’t well prepared. When your claim is denied, you must begin the lengthy appeals process. This happens to many applicants for SSD in Chicago and SSI in Illinois. You mustn’t be discouraged; now you need to have your wits about you.

The first step is requesting a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). This hearing is very important, and a significant number of applicants for SSD and SSI ruin their chances of success by not carefully preparing for this hearing. To improve your chances of being approved for SSD or SSI, you should take the following steps. Even though doing these things won’t guarantee success, it will give you a better chance of approval.

Documentation is everything. When you apply for SSD in Chicago and SSI in Illinois, you must be able to prove that you are disabled and eligible for benefits. Medical records, your entire medical history, dates of doctor’s visits, medication lists, increasing or diminishing disability…all these things are vital to your claims for SSD in Chicago and SSI in Illinois. Get support statements from your physicians testifying to your disability.

Most importantly, hire a disability attorney in Chicago who has experience with SSD cases. While it is possible to do the appeal on your own, it is not advisable. Administrative law is very complicated, and there are often any procedures that must be followed perfectly to ensure you get legal relief. Not hiring an attorney may cost you your SSD or SSI. You need an advocate to not only help you prepare your documentation, but to stand up for your right to receive disability compensation today.

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