Social Security Disability Insurance is, in Fact, a Type of Insurance
Because the government is involved in processing, reviewing, approving, and denying our claims, we tend to forget that it’s actually insurance, and as such, requires premium payments. Most of the time these premiums are paid through payroll taxes, and we never interact with them. This is an important caveat, because the total amount of benefits you’re eligible for are determined based on the total amount of premiums you have paid into the system.
Most applying for Las Vegas Social Security Disability Insurance benefits do so after they’ve already stopped working. Then, there’s additional time that passes while the claim is reviewed and a decision is rendered. During this time, it’s possible for your “coverage” to expire, causing your claim to be automatically denied.
If you think you might need to file for SSDI in the near future, and there’s a chance you won’t be able to continue working until the day you actually apply, it’s important to start the process today. Simply logging into the Social Security Administration’s website and starting the filing process will qualify as setting a protective filing date.
After you do so, it will probably make sense to discuss your case with an attorney, who can help you determine the best course of action for obtaining the maximum benefits allowed to you by law.
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